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The CPT is an association set up under the 2001-2010 framework agreement signed on October 29, 2001 in Agadir.

The CPT is administered by its own Board of Directors, made up of members representing the three colleges that make up the active membership, with full powers to take or authorize all actions required to achieve the objectives set for the CPT.



Active members: who pay a membership fee, and are organized into three colleges:

  • Representatives of tourism trade associations
  • Elected regional bodies (regional council, professional chambers, CGEM regional union)
  • Representatives of public bodies such as the Ministry of Tourism, prefectures, delegations from the Ministries of Cultural Affairs, Handicrafts, Transport and Communication, the Regional Urban Agency, the Moroccan National Tourist Office and Royal Air Maroc.

Full members: appointed by the CPT General Assembly on a sovereign basis.
Honorary members: with the status of consultative members (the Wali, the President of the region, the President of the city council, the Governor(s) of the region, the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, the President of the Tourism Federation within the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises ( CGEM)
( CGEM) , the President of the National Federation of the Hotel Industry , the President of the National Federation of Travel Associations).


Promoting and encouraging the development of tourism in AssaZag Province

Coordinate closely with the Ministry of Tourism and the ONMT for the implementation of strategic visions and programs at the provincial level.

  • Work to position the province through a series of initiatives aimed at standardizing the product in its environment, promoting the destination, developing relations with tour operators, and developing tourism activities.
  • Managing collective projects on a shared financing basis.
  • Manage studies and statistical surveys of all kinds relating to the tourism sector, and analyze visitor numbers and the tourism offering..
  • Organize and implement promotional, communication and marketing initiatives.
    Act as an intermediary between tourism professionals and decision-makers.



  • Documentation and Marketing Commission (production of editions, documents, promotional tools, Webmarketing actions, etc.)
  • Animation, events, sports and wellness committee (organization of events to promote the destination)
  • Promotion, studies and strategies commission (planning and participation in trade fairs, shows and workshops, conducting market surveys and studies, monitoring tourist numbers, etc.).
  • The Investment and Development Committee (monitoring and supporting investors),
  • Air Transport Commission