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Azrou Klane

Azrou Klane, also known as the “Tattooed Stone,” is a fascinating archaeological site located in southwestern Morocco, between Guelmim and the Drâa Valley. This site is renowned for its brown sandstone slabs covered with thousands of rock carvings, which bear witness to the region’s long history and cultural practices.

The main slab measures 140 meters long by 20 meters wide and features carvings dating from the late prehistoric period to the present day. These carvings offer a unique glimpse into the different eras of Saharan rock art. The oldest style, referred to as the Bovidian style, dates back to the end of prehistory (3000-1000 BC). The subsequent phases include carvings in Amazigh or Libyco-Berber styles, as well as medieval, modern, and contemporary periods.

Azrou Klane is also a gathering place for Saharan tribes, particularly the Aït Oussa and Aït Brahim. Every summer, these tribes gather around the slab, continuing a millennia-old tradition of annual camps and meetings. The contemporary carvings include scenes from daily life, inscriptions in Arabic and Berber, and tribal marks.

For visitors, Azrou Klane provides a deep dive into Saharan history and culture. The carvings depict hunting scenes, representations of animals, mystical symbols, and scenes from daily life, offering a window into the beliefs and practices of ancient civilizations. Tourists can explore the slabs, guided by local experts, and appreciate the richness of this rock art.

In addition to its archaeological significance, Azrou Klane is surrounded by breathtaking natural landscapes. Visitors can enjoy hikes through the surrounding valleys and mountains, discovering local flora and fauna and admiring the wild beauty of the Moroccan Sahara. Camel rides and desert safaris are also popular, providing an authentic experience of nomadic life.

Azrou Klane is a must-visit site for history, art, and nature enthusiasts. It serves as a living testament to the cultural and artistic evolution of the region, while also offering opportunities for exploration and discovery in a spectacular natural setting.

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