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Assa-Zag Provincial Tourism Board

The CPT is an association set up under the 2001-2010 framework agreement signed on October 29, 2001 in Agadir.

The CPT is administered by its own Board of Directors, made up of members representing the three colleges that make up the active membership, with full powers to take or authorize all actions required to achieve the objectives set for the CPT.

Assa Oasis
Ksar of Assa
Zaouia of Assa

Our destinations

Discover the Assa-Zag region, with its historic town of Assa, lush oases, mountains and rock engravings.

Aouinat Lahna

Aouinat Lahna

Aayoun Ighomane

Aayoun Ighomane

The Ksar of Assa

The Ksar of Assa

The Zaouia of Assa

The Zaouia of Assa

Our partners